We protect your rights as a business owner by advising you about the laws of establishing, running, and managing a business.
Business Entity Formation, Conversion and Compliance
Business Ventures & Partnership Agreements
Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Contract Negotiation and Preparation
Corporate Governance and Compliance
Employee Incentive Plans
Mergers & Acquisitions
Risk Management, Business Exposure Evaluation, and Entity Protection
Succession Planning
“We were very pleased with the responsiveness of DLHA Law Group in responding to our needs. We were on a very short timeline, but Shirley Roberson did a great job responding to our questions and providing advice on the various agreements and By Law revisions we asked her to review. With this help, we were successful in receiving a major grant to build a new Education Center at Mount Diablo State Park.
– Mike Brandy, Vice President, Mount Diablo Interpretive Association