Angela De La Housaye Ashley moderates for the Walnut Creek City Council’s Candidate Forum


Our firm is proud that Angela De La Housaye Ashley, founder and principal of DLHA Law Group, was the moderator and facilitator for the Walnut Creek City Council’s Candidate Forum.

The Forum was hosted by the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureau. Ms. Ashley serves on the Board of Directors for the Chamber and is Vice Chair of Economic Development for the Chamber. She also sits on its East Bay Jobs Political Action Committee.

The City Council election will fill three seats, two of which are held by incumbents who are running for office. For more on the Candidate’s Forum click on the link below to the YouTube video of the event.

Watch Video



Our Founder and CEO attended the Bay Area Council's Women's Leadership Summit


The DLHA team enjoying a little after-hours bonding time at Board & Brush!